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The following information assumes you are a Seequent Technology Partner or a Seequent Customer.

1. Prerequisites

Seequent APIs are secured using mutual authentication. Therefore, the Seequent Evo partner onboarding process ensures the applicant organisation has the required client certificate issued by a certificate authority for authentication.

The requirements are:

  • Domain-validated certificate (not self-signed)
  • 2048-bit
  • 1-year expiry

Seequent will request from applicants the client certificate fingerprint to register for API services.

Seequent partners for this Seequent Evo development will be provided access to a dedicated Seequent Central instance for a fictional Seequent customer in a development sandbox environment, for experimentation and development.

To act as a partner using Seequent APIs to provide a service, applicants will be given:

  • A unique Integration ID for your own integration
  • A Seequent Central organisation ID for a fictional customer 
  • A folder in the Seequent Central project’s file storage where partner-provided files will be stored 

To act as the fictional customer observing the changes made in their Seequent Central instance by a partner, applicants will be given:

  • Credentials to act as an Admin in the fictional customer Seequent Central instance.

2. Explore

The initial exploration into Seequent Evo will make use of the File APIs’ Upload a file request. This is a request made to the File API for permission to store a file in the customer’s Seequent Central project file storage. If authorised and the request is successful, an Azure Blob Storage link will be provided to complete the storage request operation. 

A Proof-of-Concept Using Postman

This initial exploration is illustrated using Postman – please find step-by-step instructions below. You can access Seequent’s Postman workspace here.

Step 1: Open the Seequent Evo workspace in Postman 

You will have been provided a Postman workspace as part of the on-boarding procedure for developers. 


Step 2: Configure Postman to provide your client certificate 

  1. Select File > Settings > Certificates 
  2. Host: Enter the domain of the URL provided in onboarding 
  3. PFX File: Click Select File, navigate to the location of your client certificate and select it. Enter the certificate password when requested. This certificate will be used to securely identify you when making the API call to the Host 
Integration variables

Step 3: Request access links

  1. In the Postman Collections view, select Integration API 
  2. In the Variables tab, enter the variables:
    • hub: sbc 
    • integration_id: the integration UUID provided to you 
    • org_id: the organisation UUID provided to you 
    • Click the save icon 
  1. Under the Integration API in the collection, click GET Partner links 
  2. Click Send 

Step 4: Request a JWT

  1. In the response to the query in Step 3, locate the token_link and click it to make a POST Request a token call using the pre-configured link provided 
  2. Click Send 

Step 5: Request a link to upload a file

  1. In the Postman Collections view, select the File API 
  2. In the Variables tab, enter the variables:
    • hub: sbc 
    • org_name: the name of the organisation in Seequent Central that has been provided to you 
    • project_id: the UUID of the project in Seequent Central belonging to the organisation, as provided to you 
    • file_path: the location in the Seequent Central project file store the file is to be uploaded to 
    • file_name: the filename to be used in the Seequent Central project file store for the uploaded file (this does not need to be the name of the file in the source location) 
    • token: extract the token from the response to the call in Step 4 and paste it here 
  3. Create a new PUT Upload A File request
    • Select  File API > PUT Request upload link 
    • Click Send 
Block blob

Step 6: Upload the file to the file store

  1. A successful request in Step 5 will have returned an upload URL. Click the URL to complete the storage request. A new request tab is created. 
  2. Change request type to PUT 
  3. In the Headers tab, add a key-value pair x-ms-blob-type : BlockBlob 
  4. Select the Body tab 
  5. Select binary 
  6. Click Select File 
  7. Navigate to the file to send. It does not need to have the same name as the filename originally entered into the PUT Request upload link call. Select Open
  8. Click Send 

Step 7: Check the upload was successful

Use the provided fictional customer’s Seequent Central credentials to access the project’s data store and check the file has been successfully uploaded. 

Digging Deeper

Swagger-style API documentation is available here.

3. Build & accredit your integration

  • It’s now time for you to build your integration.
  • Once your integration is ready, let us know and we will kick off the validation process

Interested in joining our Partner Program?

Organisations interested in making use of Seequent APIs need apply to become a Seequent Technology Partner. As of late 2021, Seequent are working with a limited number of partners in order to build the initial foundations of the Seequent Evo ecosystem.

To register your organisation’s expression of interest in this programme, please contact us here.