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Imago API for Developers

Version: 1.0.0

Imago's integration and embedding API

Imago extracts value from geoscientific imagery. It consolidates, transforms and delivers imagery into those applications most relevant to each image type. This external integration is achieved via the Imago Developer APIs.

There are two ways to interface with Imago:

Workspaces, Datasets and other Data Structures

Imago has a hierarchy to catalogue stored images. This hierarchy is:

WorkspacesGroups multiple datasets together.Chile Exploration
DatasetsA dataset is a group of related collections.Pampa Maria, Mia Culpa
CollectionsA collection manages all images for a single location, object or activity e.g. it could be a drillhole, land tenement, drilling rig, sampling station, etc... It usually has a geographical location associated with it, however this is optional.DH001, DH002, LH101
Imagery TypesDescribes a logical grouping of imagery within the collection.Core Trays, Hand Samples, Drone Flyover, Maps
ImageryAn imagery is a group of images of the same imagery type on a collection. It usually has an additional geographic reference that identifies its position within the collection, however this is optional e.g. from/to interval, sample location in tenement, equipment location.0m - 3.5m, 3.5m - 7.8m
Image TypesEach image is stored against an imagery and identified by its image type.Wet, Dry (for core trays) Shift Start, Shift End (for drill rigs)

In Imago, every piece of data (i.e. workspaces, imagery, etc...) is identified using named keys (e.g. workspace name, dataset name, etc...).

User's Context

A user's context is a description of the workspaces, datasets, imagery types and image types that are accessible to them. This description provides named keys that are used through the API to reference different information.

Integration API

The integration API is a standard Web Service RESTFul API.

An application must sign into Imago and receive an authorisation token before further API calls are permitted. The authorisation token represents a session and expires after a set period of time.

Each API call must include the authorisation token using the header "imago-api-token" on the HTTP request.

Linking to the Light Table

An application can link to imagery and display it using the light table on the Imago web site e.g.

This example searches for a collection called AA222 and finds all images of image type Dry in the Core Boxes imagery type. These images are then displayed on the light table. The light table is adjusted to show imagery at a depth of 35m.

Alternatively, it can search by collection only. The light table will show the first imagery and image types listed for the matching collection.

Constructing the URL

The URL must use the address:

The following query parameters control how to search for images:

pjWorkspace nameoptional
daDataset nameoptional
deCollection namemandatory
dsImagery type nameoptional
imImage type nameoptional
dpDisplay at this depthoptional
igDisplay at image with this nameoptional

If the workspace or dataset parameters are provided then they will restrict the search for the collection. Without these parameters, the light table will search across all workspaces/datasets until it finds a collection that matches. If no imagery type or image type is specified then it will display the first imagery/image type listed in the collection's dataset.

Unlike the integration API, no GUID identifiers are used to search for data. Instead, the linking option uses data names. This can lead to conflicts if naming is not unique within the workspace or dataset. If more than one collection matches the query name then they are all added to the light table.

All data names are case sensitive.


Service Account Creation

A service account is a special account used by an application or a service for machine-to-machine communication, such as for APIs. These accounts are not linked to a specific user but are used by system processes.

To access our API, a service account requires a unique username and password. This ensures secure and authorised access to our API resources.

For service account creation, which includes obtaining a unique username and password, please contact our Support Team at

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