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Evo Discovery

Before you can make Seequent Evo API requests you need to know:

  • The URL of your Evo hub
  • The ID of your organisation

The Evo Discovery endpoint provides this information.

How to perform an Evo discovery request

  1. Choose the Evo service codes for the APIs to be queried:

    • Block Model API → blockmodel
    • File API → file
    • Geoscience Object API → geoscienceobject
  2. Perform a GET request:

    • Use your access token as a bearer token in the Authorization header of your API request.
    • Include each Evo service code as a query parameter, eg. service=file&service=blockmodel. Multiple services must be separated by the & symbol.


In this example we are performing an Evo discovery request and are searching for three Evo services.

The request URL looks like this:

import json
import requests

# Enter your token here
token = ""

# Define the auth header
auth_header = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}" }

# Define the Evo services
services = ["blockmodel", "file", "geoscienceobject"]

# Define the query params
params = [("service", service) for service in services]

# Define the discovery URL
discovery_url = ""

# Make the request
response = requests.get(discovery_url, headers=auth_header, params=params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4))


The JSON response body will include the discovery section which includes four sub-sections:

  • hubs
  • organizations
  • services
  • service_access

Follow these steps to find your org ID and a hub URL:

  1. In the organizations section copy the id value. This is your org ID.

    "organizations": [
    "id": "d0ea331e-814e-4e24-a1b8-cd563c5b1d31",
    "display_name": "Test organisation"
  2. Search the service_access section an element that includes services that you want to access. For example, if you need to access the Block Model API find an item in service_access that includes blockmodel in the services list. Make a note of the corresponding hub_code value.

    "service_access": [
    "hub_code": "au",
    "org_id": "d0ea331e-814e-4e24-a1b8-cd563c5b1d31",
    "services": [

  3. Search the hubs section for the matching hub_code from the previous step and copy the corresponding url value. This is the hub URL.

    "hubs": [
    "code": "au",
    "display_name": "Australia East",
    "url": ""
  4. With the hub URL and org ID found, you can now perform Seequent Evo API requests.

© Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company