Error types
Block Model API errors
All errors have a type prefix of block-model-service/
Status & type | Description | May be returned by |
400 invalid-model-type | The requested model type is not supported. | Create a block model |
400 invalid-query-parameters | One or more query parameters were invalid or missing. Note that for errors in pagination query parameters, a block-model-service/validation error will be thrown instead. | Restore a block model |
400 too-many-columns | The request would result in the block model having more than 300 user columns. | Start a block model data update |
401 auth/unauthorised | User does not have valid authentication credentials. Please see Apps & tokens for more details. | All endpoints |
403 auth/forbidden | User does not have the correct workspace role or token scope. | All endpoints |
404 not-found | The target resource (e.g. block model ID, version ID, job ID) does not exist. | All endpoints that reference a resource ID |
404 unsupported-sort-field | A sort was requested using an unsupported field. | Block model listing endpoints |
404 workspace-not-found | The workspace does not exist or user does not have permission to access the workspace. | All endpoints that reference a workspace_id |
409 version-conflict | The request conflicts with the current state of the target resource, e.g. creating a version with a parent that already has a child version. | All endpoints that create a new version |
409 name-conflict | The request specifies a name that is already in use. | Create a block model, Update a block model's metadata, Create a Report Specification, Update a Report Specification |
409 file-conflict | A file has already been uploaded for the update. | Advise that the update file has finished uploading |
409 geoscience-object-path-conflict | An object already exists in this workspace for the requested path and name | Create a block model |
410 gone | The block model has been deleted. | All endpoints that query or update a block model by referencing a bm_id |
410 workspace-gone | The workspace has been deleted. | All endpoints that reference a workspace |
422 unprocessable-entity | Validation error in update or query request content. | Block model data update and query endpoints |
422 validation | Validation error in request content or query parameters. | All endpoints |
422 invalid-unit-id | A unit ID was specified that was not recognised. | All endpoints where the request references unit IDs |
422 missing-size-unit | The block model that a report was requested for does not have a configured size unit | Create a Report Specification, Update a Report Specification, Run a Reporting Job |
422 wrong-unit-type | The requested unit has a type that is inappropriate for this use. | Create a block model, Update a block model's metadata, Create a Report Specification, Update a Report Specification |
422 column-not-found | The requested col_id does not match that of any column in the relevant block model version. | Create a Report Specification, Update a Report Specification |
422 wrong-column-data-type | The requested col_id matches a column which is of the wrong data type for this use. | Create a Report Specification, Update a Report Specification |
422 wrong-column-unit-type | The requested col_id matches a column which is of the wrong unit type for this use. | Create a Report Specification, Update a Report Specification |
422 invalid-report-comparison | The requested Report Comparison is invalid | Run a Report Comparison Job, Get a comparison between two Report Results |
500 restore-error | The maximum sequence number for automatic renaming was reached during conflict resolution for restore block model. | Restore a block model |
500 service | An internal server error occurred — the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. | All endpoints |